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Wie möchten Sie ihr Produkt verpacken?

Our Services


Your technology stays up to date

After decades of delivering peak performance, our machines may benefit from an overhaul for economic reasons. At Theegarten-Pactec, we offer comprehensive solutions for the modernization of your systems to maintain and improve the performance and efficiency of your production.

Feel free to contact us for any questions

Telefon: +49 351 2573 0
E-Mail: pactec​

Rose-Theegarten, Nagema, or Pactec: If one of these companies is indicated on the machine label, we, as the original equipment manufacturer, offer modernization services in many cases. We provide support for your modernization strategies, as every modernization enhances performance for our clients, whether through replacing outdated technologies, updating safety and operational functions, or, if needed, implementing a complete refurbishment plan as a holistic retrofit.

Equipment Modernization

Modernizing equipment is a vital strategy to stay competitive. At Theegarten-Pactec, we’re here to support you as a partner in bringing your packaging process up to date with the latest technology. We analyse your equipment and present potential modernization choices. Through the integration of modern technologies, we aim to boost the performance and efficiency of your packaging process while lowering production costs.

Contact Details

Theegarten-Pactec GmbH & Co. KG
Breitscheidstr. 46
01237 Dresden

phone: +49 351 2573 0
E-Mail: pactec​

Alternatively, please complete our contact form.

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